The Patent Application Process: What You Need to Know

The Patent Application Process What You Need to Know - IP Consulting Group

The Patent Application Process is a perfect way to help you protect your invention legally. People need clarification about how to protect their inventions with the proper guidance. This blog is written to clarify your queries about the patent application process. At the end of this context, you will have a better idea about how to file for a patent and its necessity. Let’s dive into the topic. 

Patent Application Process

  1. Innovation Uniqueness Analysis 

  2. Prepare The Patent Application 

  3. File The Application 

  4. Patent Examination 

  5. Follow Patent Protection  

1 Innovation Uniqueness Analysis 

During This Step, you should gather and document everything you can about the invention and focus on its uniqueness, non-obviousness, and utility. A patent search is the next step. In this step, you should analyze whether your invention is already invented by someone and patented or not. It’s advised to do all steps by hiring an Intellectual Property Attorney.

2 Prepare The Patent Application 

It is better to prepare the patent application with the guidance of a Patent Attorney In US because they will find mistakes in your application and they are best equipped to put the application in proper condition. If those mistakes are removed from your application you can minimize patent rejections from the examiner. There are two types of applications you can file which are provisional and non-provisional applications. There are also Design applications.

3 File The Application 

A provisional application is valid for 12 months and not examined so it serves more as a placeholder and if you want to move forward with it being examined, you’d have to also file a nonprovisional application within 12 months of filing the provisional application. a non-provisional application is reviewed by an examiner to go through the patent examination process. The non-provisional application contains a Title, abstract, background, detailed description, claims, drawings, and more. The patent consultant will be able to guide you on what’s best for you regarding what type of application to file.

4 Patent Examination 

In the patent Examination process, the examiner will raise questions about your invention that need responses and amendments. It is always best to prepare the application with the help of Patent Service Providers. Once the examination process is complete, if approved, your patent will be granted.

5 Follow Patent Protection 

After getting the patent granted. you should get help from an Intellectual Property Attorney to get regular analysis so your patent is not misused by others. If you find someone misusing your patent you can file a complaint against them and get compensation for that. Also, Patents should be renewed at the right time otherwise there is a lot of chance to lose your invention. 


Now you should have a better idea about the patent application filing process. If you are in need of patent experts, IP Consulting Group will be the perfect choice for you. We have qualified patent professionals who will help to protect your invention legally. Get our 30-minute free IP Consultation and resolve your queries. It's time to protect your intention with our reliable IP service.     

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