How To Get A Provisional Patent In USA?

How To Get A Provisional Patent In America - IP Consulting Group

How To Get A Provisional Patent In America?

Securing your innovative ideas with a Provisional Patent Application is crucial for major inventions. While not mandatory for minor inventions, it remains an option for those who desire added protection. This process safeguards your innovations until they become fully patented, ensuring their safety. In this article, we will explore the significance of provisional patents and how they can help safeguard your inventive ideas.

Provisional Patent Application

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) made an official announcement on June 8, 1995, allowing inventors to file provisional patent applications. This cost-effective filing process has since become a popular option for innovators in the United States. The accessibility of this method, coupled with its low cost, has made it an appealing choice for individuals from all socioeconomic classes seeking to file their innovative ideas.   

A provisional patent is not a permanent solution as it requires Patent Consulting Service Providers to complete the patent process before it expires. This temporary patent provides a validity period of approximately 12 months to safeguard your innovation, after which an official patent must be obtained. Choosing a provisional patent eliminates concerns about intellectual property theft.  

Advantages of Provisional Patent Application  

  • Provisional patents provide excellent protection for your innovations.

  • If anyone attempts to misuse your inventive ideas during the patent process, you can file a complaint using your provisional patent.

  • The cost of obtaining a provisional patent is lower than that of an official patent.

  • It is a standard feature of every intellectual property filing process.

  • There are no disadvantages associated with obtaining a provisional patent. 

How To Apply For a Provisional Patent?

In conclusion, if you plan on patenting your innovation, it's advisable to begin with a provisional patent. If you're uncertain about how to file for a provisional patent, our IP consulting services are available to assist you. Attempting to file for a provisional patent without expert guidance can be risky, which is why our team of professionals can guide you through the process with ease. Our experts can help ensure that the provisional-to-official patent process is completed without any disruptions.  

Once the provisional process is finished, the applicant may proceed with the official patent application. During the provisional-to-official transition, the jurisdiction will scrutinize and evaluate your innovation, and if any, duplication is found, they will question the applicant. If no issues are identified with your innovation within the twelve-month period, you will be granted the patent.  


These are the steps involved in the provisional patent process, which will help protect your innovations from external issues. If you are uncertain about how to begin, the IP Consulting Group can provide the perfect solution for you. Our team of experienced attorneys and agents can execute the patent process in a secure manner. Therefore, don't hesitate to seek guidance from the IP Consulting Group to obtain a patent for your innovations.

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