Alert: How Do You Identify A Fraudulent Patent Service Provider?

How do you identify a fraudulent patent service provider - IP Consulting Group

Today, innovative ideas are at risk of being misused without your knowledge. If you are focused on protecting your intellectual property, it's important to be aware of Fake Patent Service Provider Companies that can easily deceive you. In this blog, we will explore various ways to identify these fraudulent companies. This information will be especially helpful for beginners who want to safeguard their inventions. Let's dive into the topic.

Steps To Identify Fake Patent Consultants

  1. Online Registration 

  2. Certified Company 

  3. History and Achievements 

  4. Physical Office Location

  5. Expertise Verification 

1. Online Registration

Nowadays, it's very easy to get anything online, and unfortunately, many fake patent consultants are taking advantage of this. People often believe that online registration is a convenient way to protect their inventions, but it comes with significant risks. Your registration fees and invention could be at stake. While not every online patent registration service is fraudulent, there's always a possibility of your creativity being stolen. If this happens, tracking the culprits can be extremely difficult.

2. Certified Company

Before choosing any Patent Service Provider, ensure they are certified by the government. If they are not certified, the chances of fraud are high. This is an easy step to verify, so don't overlook it when selecting a patent filing service. Some businesses may appear professional and try to convince inventors with their polished appearance, but certification is a crucial safeguard.

3. History and Achievements

One of the essential steps in choosing a patent company is to check their history and achievements, preferably with expert advice. For startups, it's better to move on to step 2 since they lack a track record. If they are certified, consider giving them a chance to protect your intellectual property. This can save you time and money, as startups may offer a more streamlined patent filing process.

4. Physical Office Location

It's better to visit the physical location of the patent office after initiating contact through phone or email. By visiting in person, you can evaluate and interact with the service providers directly. If the company has multiple branches, visiting just one branch or their main office will suffice. If you don't have the time to visit yourself, ask someone in your close circle to check their physical location and assess their services.

5. Expertise Verification

In IP law firms, only experts can handle the patent filing process and validate your patent's viability. Even if it's a startup, they should have experienced personnel to streamline the Patent Verification Process. Fresh IP attorneys should work under the guidance of seasoned professionals to ensure accurate validation of inventions for the patent process.


You should now have a better understanding of how to identify a fake patent service provider. Anyone looking to protect their intellectual property should follow the steps outlined above. IP Consulting Group is a certified law firm with qualified experts ready to meet your IP needs. We are headquartered in Maryland with branch offices in Washington DC and Florida. Take advantage of our free 30-minute IP consultation to address your questions and guide you through the IP filing process.

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